Thoughts About Styles PvP/RP

At the moment, I belong to 2 servers. One is PvP the other RP. The RP servers seem to have about one-tenth the membership as PvP. The good thing about RP, I don't get killed every 5 minutes... the bad thing about it, I don't get killed every 5 minutes. What do I mean by that? Because of some very tight RP "rules" it is dreadfully boring.

Role Playing servers need to be a bit more flexible with those rules. I am not naming names but the server allows for both legal and illegal jobs. But I don't see prostitution listed, it is "real world" and it could be done with or without visual aids. So Joe Mercury cannot become a male prostitute... big deal. What about thief? I am not talking about banks but houses and that is in the original game. Nope. I am allowed 1 and only 1 illegal job "car thief". All the other jobs seem to "fluffy" and legal. But that is just my opinion.

Another odd rule, no random acts of violence... why because "that doesn't happen in the real world"... wait, what??! I am not saying that RP should become random chaos like PvP already is now. I am saying you need to remain flexible.

Now to shift gears and pick on you PvP servers. Most seem to lack any control at all. I thought, on my first time out, we were on "teams" but apparently those color assignments mean nothing at all. So then you have tons of people shooting up the place with four men in a truck doing drive by shootings. Which is fine but how about adding a PvP flag so new people can actually get wet first before tossing them into the deep end of the pool?

Now here is a random suggestion, and if someone has seen it, I would like to know which server does this; PvE where there are NPCs with "quests" and have agendas. I am not talking about remaking World of Warcraft, just get creative and make some NPCs with a task to perform. Then make some NPC's that go nutty for no reason. That would spice up the otherwise stale RP server. I really do love to RP, but these silly "real world" rules where nothing bad happens, I might as well play "Hello Kitty".

Messages In This Thread
Thoughts About Styles PvP/RP - by JoeMercury - 01.05.2014, 04:39
Re: Thoughts About Styles PvP/RP - by HyDrAtIc - 01.05.2014, 09:15
Re: Thoughts About Styles PvP/RP - by GreenSt4lker - 01.05.2014, 09:58
Re: Thoughts About Styles PvP/RP - by LeGGGeNNdA - 01.05.2014, 10:57
Re: Thoughts About Styles PvP/RP - by Finn - 01.05.2014, 11:56
Re: Thoughts About Styles PvP/RP - by CharlieSanchez - 01.05.2014, 13:53
Re: Thoughts About Styles PvP/RP - by JoeMercury - 01.05.2014, 18:16
Re: Thoughts About Styles PvP/RP - by Dignity - 01.05.2014, 18:18
Re: Thoughts About Styles PvP/RP - by GreenSt4lker - 01.05.2014, 19:12
Re: Thoughts About Styles PvP/RP - by Finn - 02.05.2014, 10:45

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