29.05.2009, 17:13
No effect.
The area's are built up like this:
And the MAX_ZONES_PER_AREA refers to the size of the array. This one above is also the largest amount of zones (13) for an area (Mulholland).
The area's are built up like this:
pawn Код:
// [13] --- Mulholland ---
GZ_MUL[0] = GangZoneCreate(687.802, -860.619, 911.802, -768.027); //Mulholland
GZ_MUL[1] = GangZoneCreate(737.573, -768.027, 1142.29, -674.885); //Mulholland
GZ_MUL[2] = GangZoneCreate(861.085, -674.885, 1156.55, -600.896); //Mulholland
GZ_MUL[3] = GangZoneCreate(1281.13, -452.425, 1641.13, -290.913); //Mulholland
GZ_MUL[4] = GangZoneCreate(1269.13, -768.027, 1414.07, -452.425); //Mulholland
GZ_MUL[5] = GangZoneCreate(1414.07, -768.027, 1667.61, -452.425); //Mulholland
GZ_MUL[6] = GangZoneCreate(768.694, -954.662, 952.604, -860.619); //Mulholland
GZ_MUL[7] = GangZoneCreate(1096.47, -910.17, 1169.13, -768.027); //Mulholland
GZ_MUL[8] = GangZoneCreate(952.604, -937.184, 1096.47, -860.619); //Mulholland
GZ_MUL[9] = GangZoneCreate(911.802, -860.619, 1096.47, -768.027); //Mulholland
GZ_MUL[10] = GangZoneCreate(1169.13, -910.17, 1318.13, -768.027); //Mulholland
GZ_MUL[11] = GangZoneCreate(1357.0, -926.999, 1463.9, -768.027); //Mulholland
GZ_MUL[12] = GangZoneCreate(1318.13, -910.17, 1357.0, -768.027); //Mulholland