[Include] [inc300] Generate Code

Plus, show some examples and natives, it helps people who use the search option.

An example of how you could use your include would be very useful since loads of people cannot understand what it does, you could show them, couldn't you, not just by video but by actual example of registration captcha, just an idea, you could do anything else instead.

Messages In This Thread
[inc300] Generate Code - by vannesenn - 26.04.2014, 09:44
Re: [inc300] Generate Code - by Pottus - 26.04.2014, 13:23
Re: [inc300] Generate Code - by vannesenn - 26.04.2014, 14:56
Re: [inc300] Generate Code - by Sanady - 26.04.2014, 15:04
Re: [inc300] Generate Code - by vannesenn - 26.04.2014, 16:02
Re: [inc300] Generate Code - by hhaaoo123 - 27.04.2014, 01:29
Re: [inc300] Generate Code - by Whitetiger - 27.04.2014, 01:33
Re: [inc300] Generate Code - by Luis- - 27.04.2014, 21:30
Re: [inc300] Generate Code - by Rock - 27.04.2014, 21:46
Re: [inc300] Generate Code - by NewerthRoleplay - 27.04.2014, 21:51
Re: [inc300] Generate Code - by iRaiDeN - 28.04.2014, 03:58
Re: [inc300] Generate Code - by vannesenn - 28.04.2014, 06:23
Re: [inc300] Generate Code - by Luis- - 28.04.2014, 06:37
Re: [inc300] Generate Code - by Cypress - 28.04.2014, 14:26
Re: [inc300] Generate Code - by vannesenn - 29.04.2014, 05:36
Re: [inc300] Generate Code - by KingHual - 09.05.2014, 14:37
Re: [inc300] Generate Code - by Smileys - 09.05.2014, 15:37
Re: [inc300] Generate Code - by RajatPawar - 09.05.2014, 15:48
Re: [inc300] Generate Code - by CoaPsyFactor - 09.05.2014, 16:00
Re: [inc300] Generate Code - by Redirect Left - 09.05.2014, 18:32
Re: [inc300] Generate Code - by Yves - 09.05.2014, 19:06

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