[HELP] Police cmds

Now it's time to script some police mcds like /pullover /stop or /freeze...

I know how to make the cmd but I only want the team cops "team 9" to use it.
So if you are a civilian and tries to type /pullover it shall say "You ar not a Police Officer"...

Thanks for the help, and this is the script a'm going to use:

	if(!strcmp(cmdtext, "/pullover", true, 9))
		new str[256], pname[256];
		GetPlayerName(playerid, pname, 256);
		format(str, 256, "Officer %s Shouts:", pname, cmdtext[9]);
		SendClientMessageToAll(0x0000BBAA, str);
 		return 1;

Messages In This Thread
[HELP] Police cmds - by FreddeN - 29.05.2009, 14:24
Re: [HELP] Police cmds - by Ignas1337 - 29.05.2009, 14:25

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