27.04.2014, 10:06
Hi recently i made the date of the last login to be saved in a database but when i tried to make command for sending the date to me it just send me 0 for the date
Here is my code:
Please help me if you can
Here is my code:
pawn Код:
new data;
new year,month,day;
new str[500];
new pname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME],query[300],makepl[500];
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] < 1336) return SCM(playerid,red,"Greska: Nemozes da ja koristis ovaa komanda");
if(sscanf(params,"s[24]",pname)) return SCM(playerid,COLOR_GREY,"KORISTI: /proveriaktivnost [ime na igrac]");
mysql_query(g_Handle, str);
if(mysql_num_rows() != 0)
format(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT `data` = '%d/%d/%d' FROM `players` WHERE `ime` = '%s'",year,month,day,pname);
mysql_query(g_Handle, str);
format(str,sizeof(str),"Ime: {FF9900}%s",pname);
format(str,sizeof(str),"Data: {FF9900}%d/%d/%d",year,month,day);
SCM(playerid,red,"Greska: Imeto ne postoi");
return 1;