24.04.2014, 17:46
These are all the lines related to capture zones.
//Capture Zones new PlayerCount[MAX_PLAYERS]; new PlayerCountTimer[MAX_PLAYERS]; new PlayerMoneyCountTimer[MAX_PLAYERS]; new BigEarZone; new BigEarArea; new BigEarCP; new BigEarColor; new SFZone; new SFArea; new SFCP; new SFColor; new BSZone; new BSArea; new BSCP; new BSColor; new ARMYZone; new ARMYArea; new ARMYCP; new ARMYColor; new PETROLZone; new PETROLArea; new PETROLCP; new PETROLColor; //gas station new DESERTZone; new DESERTArea; new DESERTCP; new DESERTColor; //Quarry new QUARRYZone; new QUARRYArea; new QUARRYCP; new QUARRYColor; //guesthouse new GUESTZone; new GUESTArea; new GUESTCP; new GUESTColor; |
//big ear BigEarZone = GangZoneCreate(-437.5,1513.671875,-244.140625,1636.71875); BigEarArea = CreateDynamicRectangle(-437.5,1513.671875,-244.140625,1636.71875, -1, -1, -1); BigEarCP = CreateDynamicCP(-311.0136,1542.9733,75.5625,3, -1,-1,-1,100.0); BigEarColor = GREY; //snake farm SFZone = GangZoneCreate(-62.5000000000005,2318.359375,23.4375,2390.625); SFArea = CreateDynamicRectangle(-62.5000000000005,2318.359375,23.4375,2390.625, -1, -1, -1); SFCP = CreateDynamicCP(-36.5458, 2347.6426, 24.1406,3, -1,-1,-1,100.0); SFColor = GREY; //Bay Side BSZone = GangZoneCreate(236.328125,2892.578125,292.96875,29 43.359375); BSArea = CreateDynamicRectangle(236.328125,2892.578125,292. 96875,2943.359375, -1, -1, -1); BSCP = CreateDynamicCP(260.0900,2889.5242,11.1854,3, -1,-1,-1,100.0); BSColor = GREY; ARMYZone = GangZoneCreate(-617.1875,2531.25,-455.078125,2658.203125); ARMYArea = CreateDynamicRectangle(-617.1875,2531.25,-455.078125,2658.203125, -1, -1, -1); ARMYCP = CreateDynamicCP(-551.6992,2593.0771,53.9348,3, -1,-1,-1,100.0); ARMYColor = GREY; PETROLZone = GangZoneCreate(609.375,1652.34375,714.84375,1767.5 78125); PETROLArea = CreateDynamicRectangle(609.375,1652.34375,714.8437 5,1767.578125, -1, -1, -1); PETROLCP = CreateDynamicCP(670.9215,1705.4658,7.1875,3, -1,-1,-1,100.0); PETROLColor = GREY; //gas station DESERTZone = GangZoneCreate(529.296875,1205.078125,636.71875,12 67.578125); DESERTArea = CreateDynamicRectangle(529.296875,1205.078125,636. 71875,1267.578125, -1, -1, -1); DESERTCP = CreateDynamicCP(558.9932,1221.8896,11.7188,3, -1,-1,-1,100.0); DESERTColor = GREY; //Quarry QUARRYZone = GangZoneCreate(439.453125,748.046875,863.28125,992 .1875); QUARRYArea = CreateDynamicRectangle(439.453125,748.046875,863.2 8125,992.1875, -1, -1, -1); QUARRYCP = CreateDynamicCP(588.3246,875.7402,-42.4973,3, -1,-1,-1,100.0); QUARRYColor = GREY; //guesthouse GUESTZone = GangZoneCreate(-357.421875,1707.03125,-253.90625,1835.9375); GUESTArea = CreateDynamicRectangle(-357.421875,1707.03125,-253.90625,1835.9375, -1, -1, -1); GUESTCP = CreateDynamicCP(-314.8433,1773.9176,43.6406,3, -1,-1,-1,100.0); GUESTColor = GREY; |
stock SetZoneColor(zonename, playerid) { if(zonename == BigEarZone) { BigEarColor = PlayerGangColor(playerid); } if(zonename == SFZone) { SFColor = PlayerGangColor(playerid); } if(zonename == BSZone) { BSColor = PlayerGangColor(playerid); } if(zonename == ARMYZone) { ARMYColor = PlayerGangColor(playerid); } if(zonename == PETROLZone) { PETROLColor = PlayerGangColor(playerid); } if(zonename == DESERTZone) { DESERTColor = PlayerGangColor(playerid); } if(zonename == QUARRYZone) { QUARRYColor = PlayerGangColor(playerid); } if(zonename == GUESTZone) { GUESTColor = PlayerGangColor(playerid); } } stock ZoneName(checkpointid) { new str[32]; if (checkpointid == BigEarCP) str = ("Big Ear"); else if(checkpointid == SFCP) str = ("Snake's Farm"); else if(checkpointid == BSCP) str = ("Bay Side Sea Shore"); else if(checkpointid == ARMYCP) str = ("Army Petrol Bunk"); else if(checkpointid == PETROLCP) str = ("Army Petrol Bunk"); else if(checkpointid == DESERTCP) str = ("Gas Station"); else if(checkpointid == QUARRYCP) str = ("Quarry"); else if(checkpointid == GUESTCP) str = ("Army Guest House"); return str; } |
} if(checkpointid == SFCP || checkpointid == BSCP || checkpointid == BigEarCP || checkpointid == ARMYCP || checkpointid == PETROLCP || checkpointid == DESERTCP || checkpointid == QUARRYCP || checkpointid == GUESTCP) { //Messages InCase The Player Is Not Allowed To Capture new string[128], pZone; //If The ZONE is Already Getting Captured if(CaptureZoneInfo[checkpointid][gAttacked] == 1) return SendClientMessage(playerid, RED, "The zone is being captured!"); //If The Zone Has Been Already Captured By That Team if(CaptureZoneInfo[checkpointid][gOwner] == gTeam[playerid]) return SendClientMessage(playerid, LIGHTBLUE, "Your team owns this zone."); //Wether The Player is in a vehicle if(IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, RED, "You cant capture while in a vehicle!"); //Wether The Player Is ON Duty(To BE SET) if(Ainfo[playerid][OnDuty] == 1) return SendClientMessage(playerid, RED, "You cant capture when on duty!"); CaptureZoneInfo[checkpointid][gAttacked] = 1; pZone = PlayerArea(playerid); pInfo[playerid][pCaptureZone] = 1; |