Question for house system..

Hay dudes, You probably think that i am the person with the most problems in the world regarding pawn, I scripted a house system, but when I create more homes, and go into the one that does not belong to me but with the door open, if the interior of this is the same to a other when I give the command /exit my player spawns at the exit of another house with the same interior.

/join command

pawn Код:
    for(new i = 0; i < MAX_CASE; i++)
        new nome[34];
        if(!IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid,3.5,cinfo[i][entrataX],cinfo[i][entrataY],cinfo[i][entrataZ])) continue;
        if(cinfo[i][acquisita] == 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"[SERVER] This house isn't owned, so you can't join in!");
        if(cinfo[i][acquisita] == 1 && strcmp(cinfo[i][proprietario],nome)==0)
        if(cinfo[i][acquisita] == 1 && strcmp(cinfo[i][proprietario],nome)==1 && cinfo[i][chiusa] == 1)
            SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"[SERVER] You can't join, this house is closed");
    return 1;
exit command

pawn Код:
for(new i = 0; i < MAX_CASE; i++)
        for(new j = 0; j < MAX_PLAYERS; j++)
            if(!IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(j,3.5,cinfo[i][uscitaX],cinfo[i][uscitaY],cinfo[i][uscitaZ])) continue;
            return 1;
    return 1;
I tryed to use SetPVarFloat for store the enter coords so when player give a command /exit he spawn in side enter coords.

so i tryed like this:

pawn Код:
But i can't apply it in SetPlayerPos function, so how doing for solve..?

Messages In This Thread
Question for house system.. - by Galletziz - 22.04.2014, 20:14
Re: Question for house system.. - by MattTucker - 22.04.2014, 20:18
Re: Question for house system.. - by Galletziz - 22.04.2014, 21:02
Re: Question for house system.. - by Galletziz - 22.04.2014, 21:36
Re: Question for house system.. - by AiRaLoKa - 22.04.2014, 21:48
Re: Question for house system.. - by Galletziz - 22.04.2014, 21:54
Re: Question for house system.. - by Galletziz - 22.04.2014, 22:12
Re: Question for house system.. - by Galletziz - 22.04.2014, 22:44
Re: Question for house system.. - by Galletziz - 22.04.2014, 23:20
Re: Question for house system.. - by Galletziz - 23.04.2014, 02:34

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