
well right now im working on a mission script but samp npcs suck!! so i have been struggling with that. So far I have 5 difrent level of missions (missions for level one, level 2, level 3, etc) and some of them repeat but gets harder on higher level missions for example:
I have a pickup mission where you need to pickup packages i have a total of 50 random spawns for them but if you play the mission on level one you will only need to pickup 5 and if you play it on level 5 you will need to pickup all 50.
I also have a mission where you need to kill certain amount of players.
when you die you are automatically out of the mission and a textdraw pops out "mission failed" and everything is set to 0.
I have in mind like 2 more missions but without intelligents npcs im out of ideas so all opinions are welcome!!

Messages In This Thread
Missions - by Baboon - 19.04.2014, 18:49
Re: Missions - by Basssiiie - 21.04.2014, 15:21
Re: Missions - by SkittlesAreFalling - 21.04.2014, 16:50
Re: Missions - by GutierrezDeVelasco - 22.04.2014, 15:58
Re: Missions - by Baboon - 22.04.2014, 22:09

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