mysql injection

here is the logs:
pawn Код:
[Tue Apr 22 13:11:50 2014] -------------------------
[Tue Apr 22 13:11:50 2014]      Logging Started
[Tue Apr 22 13:11:50 2014] -------------------------
[Tue Apr 22 13:11:50 2014] Function: mysql_init executed with result: "0".
[Tue Apr 22 13:11:50 2014] Connected (0) to root @ localhost via TCP/IP.
[Tue Apr 22 13:11:50 2014] MySQL Server Version 5.6.12-log.
[Tue Apr 22 13:11:50 2014] Function: mysql_stat executed with result: "Uptime: 15  Threads: 1  Questions: 2  Slow queries: 0  Opens: 70  Flush tables: 1  Open tables: 63  Queries per second avg: 0.133".
[Tue Apr 22 13:11:50 2014] Function: mysql_init executed with result: "1".
[Tue Apr 22 13:12:40 2014] Function: mysql_real_esacpe_string executed: "Eth" with result: "Eth".
[Tue Apr 22 13:12:42 2014] Function: mysql_query executed: "SELECT `nick` FROM `playerdata` WHERE `nick` COLLATE latin1_general_cs = 'Eth' LIMIT 1" with result: "0".
[Tue Apr 22 13:12:42 2014] Function: mysql_store_result executed with result: "1"
[Tue Apr 22 13:12:42 2014] Function: mysql_num_rows executed with result: "".
[Tue Apr 22 13:12:42 2014] Function: mysql_free_result executed.
[Tue Apr 22 13:12:51 2014] Function: mysql_real_esacpe_string executed: "ethhackr" with result: "ethhackr".
[Tue Apr 22 13:12:51 2014] Function: mysql_real_esacpe_string executed: "Eth" with result: "Eth".
[Tue Apr 22 13:12:51 2014] Function: mysql_query executed: "SELECT * FROM `playerdata` WHERE `nick` COLLATE latin1_general_cs = 'Eth' AND `password` = '248054603'" with result: "0".
[Tue Apr 22 13:12:51 2014] Function: mysql_store_result executed with result: "1"
[Tue Apr 22 13:12:51 2014] Function: mysql_num_rows executed with result: "".
[Tue Apr 22 13:12:51 2014] Function: mysql_free_result executed.
[Tue Apr 22 13:12:56 2014] Function: mysql_real_esacpe_string executed: "ethhacker" with result: "ethhacker".
[Tue Apr 22 13:12:56 2014] Function: mysql_real_esacpe_string executed: "Eth" with result: "Eth".
[Tue Apr 22 13:12:56 2014] Function: mysql_query executed: "SELECT * FROM `playerdata` WHERE `nick` COLLATE latin1_general_cs = 'Eth' AND `password` = '309068720'" with result: "0".
[Tue Apr 22 13:12:56 2014] Function: mysql_store_result executed with result: "1"
[Tue Apr 22 13:12:56 2014] Function: mysql_num_rows executed with result: "".
[Tue Apr 22 13:12:56 2014] Function: mysql_real_esacpe_string executed: "Eth" with result: "Eth".
[Tue Apr 22 13:12:56 2014] Function: mysql_query executed: "SELECT * FROM `playerdata` WHERE `nick` COLLATE latin1_general_cs = 'Eth' LIMIT 1" with result: "0".
[Tue Apr 22 13:12:56 2014] Function: mysql_store_result executed with result: "1"
[Tue Apr 22 13:12:56 2014] Function: mysql_fetch_row executed with result: "1462|Eth|309068720|5|90000057|3318030|9000044|31|0|9939162|5|1|0|3|0|0|0|5|49|44|1317800|0|1300||".
[Tue Apr 22 13:12:56 2014] Function: mysql_fetch_field executed.
[Tue Apr 22 13:12:56 2014] Function: mysql_fetch_field executed.
[Tue Apr 22 13:12:56 2014] Function: mysql_fetch_field executed.
[Tue Apr 22 13:12:56 2014] Function: mysql_fetch_field executed.
[Tue Apr 22 13:12:56 2014] Function: mysql_fetch_field executed.
[Tue Apr 22 13:12:56 2014] Function: mysql_fetch_field executed.
[Tue Apr 22 13:12:56 2014] Function: mysql_fetch_field executed.
[Tue Apr 22 13:12:56 2014] Function: mysql_fetch_field executed.
[Tue Apr 22 13:12:56 2014] Function: mysql_fetch_field executed.
[Tue Apr 22 13:12:56 2014] Function: mysql_fetch_field executed.
[Tue Apr 22 13:12:56 2014] Function: mysql_fetch_field executed.
[Tue Apr 22 13:12:56 2014] Function: mysql_fetch_field executed.
[Tue Apr 22 13:12:56 2014] Function: mysql_fetch_field executed.
[Tue Apr 22 13:12:56 2014] Function: mysql_fetch_field executed.
[Tue Apr 22 13:12:56 2014] Function: mysql_fetch_field executed.
[Tue Apr 22 13:12:56 2014] Function: mysql_fetch_field executed.
[Tue Apr 22 13:12:56 2014] Function: mysql_fetch_field executed.
[Tue Apr 22 13:12:56 2014] Function: mysql_fetch_field executed.
[Tue Apr 22 13:12:56 2014] Function: mysql_fetch_field executed.
[Tue Apr 22 13:12:56 2014] Function: mysql_fetch_field executed.
[Tue Apr 22 13:12:56 2014] Function: mysql_fetch_field executed.
[Tue Apr 22 13:12:56 2014] Function: mysql_fetch_field executed.
[Tue Apr 22 13:12:56 2014] Function: mysql_free_result executed.
[Tue Apr 22 13:12:56 2014] Function: mysql_free_result executed.
[Tue Apr 22 13:12:57 2014] Function: mysql_query executed: "UPDATE `playerdata` SET `admin` = '5', `score` = '90000057', `money` = '3318030', `pKills` = '9000044', `deaths` = '31' , `vip` = '0' , `clanid` = '9939162' , `clanrank` = '5' , `inclan` = '1' , `Bans` = '0',`captured` = '3',`cookies` = '0',`phone` = '0',`Tplayer` = '0',`Hour` = '5',`Min` = '49',`Sec` = '45',`Baccount` = '1317800',`Crowns` = '0',`Totalxp` = '1300',`clanname` = '' WHERE `id` = '1462' LIMIT 1" with result: "0".
[Tue Apr 22 13:12:58 2014] Function: mysql_query executed: "UPDATE `playerdata` SET `admin` = '5', `score` = '90000057', `money` = '3318030', `pKills` = '9000044', `deaths` = '31' , `vip` = '0' , `clanid` = '9939162' , `clanrank` = '5' , `inclan` = '1' , `Bans` = '0',`captured` = '3',`cookies` = '0',`phone` = '0',`Tplayer` = '0',`Hour` = '5',`Min` = '49',`Sec` = '46',`Baccount` = '1317800',`Crowns` = '0',`Totalxp` = '1300',`clanname` = '' WHERE `id` = '1462' LIMIT 1" with result: "0".
[Tue Apr 22 13:12:59 2014] Function: mysql_query executed: "UPDATE `playerdata` SET `admin` = '5', `score` = '90000057', `money` = '3318030', `pKills` = '9000044', `deaths` = '31' , `vip` = '0' , `clanid` = '9939162' , `clanrank` = '5' , `inclan` = '1' , `Bans` = '0',`captured` = '3',`cookies` = '0',`phone` = '0',`Tplayer` = '0',`Hour` = '5',`Min` = '49',`Sec` = '47',`Baccount` = '1317800',`Crowns` = '0',`Totalxp` = '1300',`clanname` = '' WHERE `id` = '1462' LIMIT 1" with result: "0".
[Tue Apr 22 13:13:00 2014] Function: mysql_query executed: "UPDATE `playerdata` SET `admin` = '5', `score` = '90000057', `money` = '3318030', `pKills` = '9000044', `deaths` = '31' , `vip` = '0' , `clanid` = '9939162' , `clanrank` = '5' , `inclan` = '1' , `Bans` = '0',`captured` = '3',`cookies` = '0',`phone` = '0',`Tplayer` = '0',`Hour` = '5',`Min` = '49',`Sec` = '48',`Baccount` = '1317800',`Crowns` = '0',`Totalxp` = '1300',`clanname` = '' WHERE `id` = '1462' LIMIT 1" with result: "0".
[Tue Apr 22 13:13:00 2014] Function: mysql_query executed: "UPDATE `playerdata` SET `admin` = '5', `score` = '90000057', `money` = '3318030', `pKills` = '9000044', `deaths` = '31' , `vip` = '0' , `clanid` = '9939162' , `clanrank` = '5' , `inclan` = '1' , `Bans` = '0',`captured` = '3',`cookies` = '0',`phone` = '0',`Tplayer` = '0',`Hour` = '5',`Min` = '49',`Sec` = '48',`Baccount` = '1317800',`Crowns` = '0',`Totalxp` = '1300',`clanname` = '' WHERE `id` = '1462' LIMIT 1" with result: "0".
[Tue Apr 22 13:13:00 2014] Function: mysql_query executed: "UPDATE `playerdata` SET `admin` = '5', `score` = '90000057', `money` = '3318030', `pKills` = '9000044', `deaths` = '31' , `vip` = '0' , `clanid` = '9939162' , `clanrank` = '5' , `inclan` = '1' , `Bans` = '0',`captured` = '3',`cookies` = '0',`phone` = '0',`Tplayer` = '0',`Hour` = '5',`Min` = '49',`Sec` = '48',`Baccount` = '1317800',`Crowns` = '0',`Totalxp` = '1300',`clanname` = '' WHERE `id` = '1462' LIMIT 1" with result: "0".
[Tue Apr 22 13:13:00 2014] Function: mysql_query executed: "UPDATE `playerdata` SET `admin` = '5', `score` = '90000057', `money` = '3318030', `pKills` = '9000044', `deaths` = '31' , `vip` = '0' , `clanid` = '9939162' , `clanrank` = '5' , `inclan` = '1' , `Bans` = '0',`captured` = '3',`cookies` = '0',`phone` = '0',`Tplayer` = '0',`Hour` = '5',`Min` = '49',`Sec` = '48',`Baccount` = '1317800',`Crowns` = '0',`Totalxp` = '1300',`clanname` = '' WHERE `id` = '1462' LIMIT 1" with result: "0".
[Tue Apr 22 13:13:00 2014] Function: mysql_query executed: "UPDATE `playerdata` SET `admin` = '5', `score` = '90000057', `money` = '3318030', `pKills` = '9000044', `deaths` = '31' , `vip` = '0' , `clanid` = '9939162' , `clanrank` = '5' , `inclan` = '1' , `Bans` = '0',`captured` = '3',`cookies` = '0',`phone` = '0',`Tplayer` = '0',`Hour` = '5',`Min` = '49',`Sec` = '48',`Baccount` = '1317800',`Crowns` = '0',`Totalxp` = '1300',`clanname` = '' WHERE `id` = '1462' LIMIT 1" with result: "0".
[Tue Apr 22 13:13:00 2014] Function: mysql_query executed: "UPDATE `playerdata` SET `admin` = '5', `score` = '90000057', `money` = '3318030', `pKills` = '9000044', `deaths` = '31' , `vip` = '0' , `clanid` = '9939162' , `clanrank` = '5' , `inclan` = '1' , `Bans` = '0',`captured` = '3',`cookies` = '0',`phone` = '0',`Tplayer` = '0',`Hour` = '5',`Min` = '49',`Sec` = '48',`Baccount` = '1317800',`Crowns` = '0',`Totalxp` = '1300',`clanname` = '' WHERE `id` = '1462' LIMIT 1" with result: "0".
[Tue Apr 22 13:13:00 2014] Function: mysql_query executed: "UPDATE `playerdata` SET `admin` = '5', `score` = '90000057', `money` = '3318030', `pKills` = '9000044', `deaths` = '31' , `vip` = '0' , `clanid` = '9939162' , `clanrank` = '5' , `inclan` = '1' , `Bans` = '0',`captured` = '3',`cookies` = '0',`phone` = '0',`Tplayer` = '0',`Hour` = '5',`Min` = '49',`Sec` = '48',`Baccount` = '1317800',`Crowns` = '0',`Totalxp` = '1300',`clanname` = '' WHERE `id` = '1462' LIMIT 1" with result: "0".
[Tue Apr 22 13:13:00 2014] Function: mysql_query executed: "UPDATE `playerdata` SET `admin` = '5', `score` = '90000057', `money` = '3318030', `pKills` = '9000044', `deaths` = '31' , `vip` = '0' , `clanid` = '9939162' , `clanrank` = '5' , `inclan` = '1' , `Bans` = '0',`captured` = '3',`cookies` = '0',`phone` = '0',`Tplayer` = '0',`Hour` = '5',`Min` = '49',`Sec` = '48',`Baccount` = '1317800',`Crowns` = '0',`Totalxp` = '1300',`clanname` = '' WHERE `id` = '1462' LIMIT 1" with result: "0".
[Tue Apr 22 13:13:01 2014] Function: mysql_query executed: "UPDATE `playerdata` SET `admin` = '5', `score` = '90000057', `money` = '3318030', `pKills` = '9000044', `deaths` = '31' , `vip` = '0' , `clanid` = '9939162' , `clanrank` = '5' , `inclan` = '1' , `Bans` = '0',`captured` = '3',`cookies` = '0',`phone` = '0',`Tplayer` = '0',`Hour` = '5',`Min` = '49',`Sec` = '48',`Baccount` = '1317800',`Crowns` = '0',`Totalxp` = '1300',`clanname` = '' WHERE `id` = '1462' LIMIT 1" with result: "0".
[Tue Apr 22 13:13:01 2014] Function: mysql_query executed: "UPDATE `playerdata` SET `admin` = '5', `score` = '90000057', `money` = '3318030', `pKills` = '9000044', `deaths` = '31' , `vip` = '0' , `clanid` = '9939162' , `clanrank` = '5' , `inclan` = '1' , `Bans` = '0',`captured` = '3',`cookies` = '0',`phone` = '0',`Tplayer` = '0',`Hour` = '5',`Min` = '49',`Sec` = '49',`Baccount` = '1317800',`Crowns` = '0',`Totalxp` = '1300',`clanname` = '' WHERE `id` = '1462' LIMIT 1" with result: "0".
[Tue Apr 22 13:13:02 2014] Function: mysql_query executed: "UPDATE `playerdata` SET `admin` = '5', `score` = '90000057', `money` = '3318030', `pKills` = '9000044', `deaths` = '31' , `vip` = '0' , `clanid` = '9939162' , `clanrank` = '5' , `inclan` = '1' , `Bans` = '0',`captured` = '3',`cookies` = '0',`phone` = '0',`Tplayer` = '0',`Hour` = '5',`Min` = '49',`Sec` = '49',`Baccount` = '1317800',`Crowns` = '0',`Totalxp` = '1300',`clanname` = '' WHERE `id` = '1462' LIMIT 1" with result: "0".
[Tue Apr 22 13:13:02 2014] Function: mysql_query executed: "UPDATE `playerdata` SET `admin` = '5', `score` = '90000057', `money` = '3318030', `pKills` = '9000044', `deaths` = '31' , `vip` = '0' , `clanid` = '9939162' , `clanrank` = '5' , `inclan` = '1' , `Bans` = '0',`captured` = '3',`cookies` = '0',`phone` = '0',`Tplayer` = '0',`Hour` = '5',`Min` = '49',`Sec` = '50',`Baccount` = '1317800',`Crowns` = '0',`Totalxp` = '1300',`clanname` = '' WHERE `id` = '1462' LIMIT 1" with result: "0".
[Tue Apr 22 13:13:02 2014] Function: mysql_query executed: "UPDATE `playerdata` SET `admin` = '5', `score` = '90000057', `money` = '3318030', `pKills` = '9000044', `deaths` = '31' , `vip` = '0' , `clanid` = '9939162' , `clanrank` = '5' , `inclan` = '1' , `Bans` = '0',`captured` = '3',`cookies` = '0',`phone` = '0',`Tplayer` = '0',`Hour` = '5',`Min` = '49',`Sec` = '50',`Baccount` = '1317800',`Crowns` = '0',`Totalxp` = '1300',`clanname` = '' WHERE `id` = '1462' LIMIT 1" with result: "0".
[Tue Apr 22 13:13:03 2014] Function: mysql_query executed: "UPDATE `playerdata` SET `admin` = '5', `score` = '90000057', `money` = '3318030', `pKills` = '9000044', `deaths` = '31' , `vip` = '0' , `clanid` = '9939162' , `clanrank` = '5' , `inclan` = '1' , `Bans` = '0',`captured` = '3',`cookies` = '0',`phone` = '0',`Tplayer` = '0',`Hour` = '5',`Min` = '49',`Sec` = '50',`Baccount` = '1317800',`Crowns` = '0',`Totalxp` = '1300',`clanname` = '' WHERE `id` = '1462' LIMIT 1" with result: "0".
[Tue Apr 22 13:13:03 2014] Function: mysql_query executed: "UPDATE `playerdata` SET `admin` = '5', `score` = '90000057', `money` = '3318030', `pKills` = '9000044', `deaths` = '31' , `vip` = '0' , `clanid` = '9939162' , `clanrank` = '5' , `inclan` = '1' , `Bans` = '0',`captured` = '3',`cookies` = '0',`phone` = '0',`Tplayer` = '0',`Hour` = '5',`Min` = '49',`Sec` = '50',`Baccount` = '1317800',`Crowns` = '0',`Totalxp` = '1300',`clanname` = '' WHERE `id` = '1462' LIMIT 1" with result: "0".
[Tue Apr 22 13:13:03 2014] Function: mysql_query executed: "UPDATE `playerdata` SET `admin` = '5', `score` = '90000057', `money` = '3318030', `pKills` = '9000044', `deaths` = '31' , `vip` = '0' , `clanid` = '9939162' , `clanrank` = '5' , `inclan` = '1' , `Bans` = '0',`captured` = '3',`cookies` = '0',`phone` = '0',`Tplayer` = '0',`Hour` = '5',`Min` = '49',`Sec` = '51',`Baccount` = '1317800',`Crowns` = '0',`Totalxp` = '1300',`clanname` = '' WHERE `id` = '1462' LIMIT 1" with result: "0".
[Tue Apr 22 13:13:03 2014] Function: mysql_query executed: "UPDATE `playerdata` SET `admin` = '5', `score` = '90000057', `money` = '3318030', `pKills` = '9000044', `deaths` = '31' , `vip` = '0' , `clanid` = '9939162' , `clanrank` = '5' , `inclan` = '1' , `Bans` = '0',`captured` = '3',`cookies` = '0',`phone` = '0',`Tplayer` = '0',`Hour` = '5',`Min` = '49',`Sec` = '51',`Baccount` = '1317800',`Crowns` = '0',`Totalxp` = '1300',`clanname` = '' WHERE `id` = '1462' LIMIT 1" with result: "0".

Messages In This Thread
mysql injection - by Eth - 21.04.2014, 20:40
Re: mysql injection - by iZN - 21.04.2014, 20:44
Re: mysql injection - by Eth - 22.04.2014, 10:01
Re: mysql injection - by Raza2013 - 22.04.2014, 10:04
Re: mysql injection - by Eth - 22.04.2014, 10:06
Re: mysql injection - by Eth - 22.04.2014, 10:26
Re: mysql injection - by Konstantinos - 22.04.2014, 10:29
Re: mysql injection - by Eth - 22.04.2014, 10:38
Re: mysql injection - by Konstantinos - 22.04.2014, 10:44
Re: mysql injection - by Eth - 22.04.2014, 11:02

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