Donators feature for roleplay?

Don't give them anything that gives them more of an advantage (Such as cars, houses, etc.) Make it simple such as a free teamspeak 3 channel, Accessories that they can wear, Maybe a car that they can use (But cannot own).

Messages In This Thread
Donators feature for roleplay? - by grizzley - 20.04.2014, 20:59
Re: Donators feature for roleplay? - by StuartD - 20.04.2014, 21:25
Re: Donators feature for roleplay? - by grizzley - 20.04.2014, 21:31
Re: Donators feature for roleplay? - by Khanz - 20.04.2014, 22:01
Re: Donators feature for roleplay? - by LeGGGeNNdA - 20.04.2014, 22:03
Re: Donators feature for roleplay? - by Bingo - 20.04.2014, 22:11
Re: Donators feature for roleplay? - by Khanz - 20.04.2014, 22:14
Re: Donators feature for roleplay? - by markuss99 - 20.04.2014, 22:15
Re: Donators feature for roleplay? - by ChuckyBabe - 20.04.2014, 22:28
Re: Donators feature for roleplay? - by Vince - 20.04.2014, 23:41
Re: Donators feature for roleplay? - by grizzley - 21.04.2014, 00:31
Re: Donators feature for roleplay? - by DarkLored - 21.04.2014, 03:05
Re: Donators feature for roleplay? - by grizzley - 21.04.2014, 07:46
Re: Donators feature for roleplay? - by Krakuski - 21.04.2014, 21:02
Re: Donators feature for roleplay? - by Emmet_ - 21.04.2014, 21:52
Re: Donators feature for roleplay? - by im - 21.04.2014, 22:28
Re: Donators feature for roleplay? - by Escapist - 22.04.2014, 17:03
Re: Donators feature for roleplay? - by Abagail - 22.04.2014, 17:14
Re: Donators feature for roleplay? - by Luis- - 22.04.2014, 18:27
Re: Donators feature for roleplay? - by Vule. - 22.04.2014, 22:49
Re: Donators feature for roleplay? - by Kitten - 22.04.2014, 22:52
Re: Donators feature for roleplay? - by vassilis - 22.04.2014, 23:07
Re: Donators feature for roleplay? - by DobbysGamertag - 23.04.2014, 00:24
Re: Donators feature for roleplay? - by grizzley - 23.04.2014, 13:45

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