20.04.2014, 16:15
first of all open your wamp and wait until it's green,second go to your browser and type : localhost/phpmyadmin then click enter, after that put the username as : root and no password and click enter. now click on databases you will find : create database
at that place type the name of database you want like : sa-mp then click enter, now you made the database you can define those settings:
#define SQL_HOST "..."
#define SQL_USER "..."
#define SQL_PASS "..."
#define SQL_DB "..."
they should be :
#define SQL_HOST "localhost"
#define SQL_USER "root"
#define SQL_PASS ""
#define SQL_DB "thedatabaseyoujustmade"
at that place type the name of database you want like : sa-mp then click enter, now you made the database you can define those settings:
#define SQL_HOST "..."
#define SQL_USER "..."
#define SQL_PASS "..."
#define SQL_DB "..."
they should be :
#define SQL_HOST "localhost"
#define SQL_USER "root"
#define SQL_PASS ""
#define SQL_DB "thedatabaseyoujustmade"