27.05.2009, 17:21
First it about "SetNameTagDrawDistance".
I'm making a RPG script, and I only want names to display only one meter from a player, give me a good value...
Second is...
I have a Local OOC, but all players on the server can read it..., this is the script:
Thanks guys .. and girls
I'm making a RPG script, and I only want names to display only one meter from a player, give me a good value...
Second is...
I have a Local OOC, but all players on the server can read it..., this is the script:
if(!strcmp(cmdtext, "/local", true, 6)) { new str[256], pname[256]; GetPlayerName(playerid, pname, 256); format(str, 256, "(( Local Ooc: %s:%s ))", pname, cmdtext[6]); LimitGlobalChatRadius(20); SendClientMessageToAll(0xFFFFFFAA, str); return 1; }