Originally Posted by ChandraLouis
Try this on
pawn Код:
#include <a_samp> forward hostname(); public hostname() { new Rand = random(5); switch (Rand) { case 0: SendRconCommand("hostname [PH] Philippines Roleplay [ALL ACCOUNTS RESETED]"); case 1: SendRconCommand("hostname [PH] Philippines Roleplay [0.3z Version]"); case 2: SendRconCommand("hostname [PH] Philippines Roleplay [Join Us !]"); // You can add more here just copying the code above and edit the "[PH] Philippines Roleplay [Join Us !]" // // Remember dont remove the "hostname" // } } public OnFilterScriptInit() // You can change this to OnGameModeInIt { SetTimer("hostname",3000,1); // 3000 = 3 Seconds you can change it if you want 5 Seconds = 5000 return 1; }
You've defined random as using 5 cases when it's only using 3, might as well change that. Also @OP 'Reseted' isn't a word.