Longest running Roleplay Server

Originally Posted by Jamould
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Is that what this gamemode that everyone seems to have on their server, now?
Haven't been able to play Sa-mp for 2 years, just got back into it.
Last time I was on everyone had a Godfather edit.

I've heard Ls-Rp is good, but they come across as a bit arrogant and snobby, going by their website.
All the disclaimer's (It's a server for a mod, not their own game!), and applications (Spend about 40 mins writing an application. Get declined, apparently it's not detailed enough....).

Heard Valhalla roleplay were good as well. Are they still running?
I check out Valhalla, yesterday at 8PM gmt, they had 8 players on, seems to be dying, PR-RP, are coming for a return tomorrow but have to write an application.

Messages In This Thread
Longest running Roleplay Server - by Jamould - 17.04.2014, 19:19
Re: Longest running Roleplay Server - by LeGGGeNNdA - 17.04.2014, 20:07
Re: Longest running Roleplay Server - by Yves - 17.04.2014, 20:35
Re: Longest running Roleplay Server - by dugi - 17.04.2014, 20:38
Re: Longest running Roleplay Server - by Khanz - 17.04.2014, 20:50
Re: Longest running Roleplay Server - by Jamould - 17.04.2014, 20:55
Re: Longest running Roleplay Server - by Khanz - 17.04.2014, 21:03
Re: Longest running Roleplay Server - by s0nic - 17.04.2014, 21:41
Re: Longest running Roleplay Server - by Abagail - 17.04.2014, 22:03
Re: Longest running Roleplay Server - by LeGGGeNNdA - 17.04.2014, 22:13

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