I don't know what is the mistake here

The problem is that your server doesn't know which map icon to delete.

To solve this, first create an array in the beginning of your gamemode to store map icon ID's for each player:
new MapIcons[MAX_PLAYERS];
In your Updatemapicon function, you have to replace the SetPlayerMapIcon(...); line with this:
MapIcons[playerid] = SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid,1,x,y,z,2,0,1);
Now you can go to your stoptracking CMD, and replace the RemovePlayerMapIcon(...); line with this:
RemovePlayerMapIcon(playerid, MapIcons[playerid]);
Hope it helps

Messages In This Thread
I don't know what is the mistake here - by PrinceKumar - 16.04.2014, 05:05
Re: I don't know what is the mistake here - by Conradus - 16.04.2014, 05:46

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