15.04.2014, 12:56
Using return will stop the loop and the second message will not be sent.
The timer will be called every 30 seconds and the messages will be sent. If you want to prevent from being displayed when you're spawned, the use a variable to check it.
and in the loop:
You may need to check if the player is not in spectating mode.
The timer will be called every 30 seconds and the messages will be sent. If you want to prevent from being displayed when you're spawned, the use a variable to check it.
pawn Код:
// global:
new bool: Player_Spawned[MAX_PLAYERS char];
// OnPlayerConnect:
Player_Spawned{playerid} = false;
// OnPlayerSpawn:
Player_Spawned{playerid} = true;
// OnPlayerDeath:
Player_Spawned{playerid} = false;
pawn Код:
if (Player_Spawned{i}) continue; // If the player is spawned, skip and don't send the message