Help me fix the login



I enter the password, and then later to apply for a password to login, but when I press Enter to enter the code again, it is this day.
Need to fix it

Figure 1 can log into the server.
Compiled but not

Figure 2 can not be logged in the server.
Compiled by the

To modify Figure 2 that you may have helped me.



case 0: // Tutorial Dialog
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 0, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{42C2F5}[LV-RP] - {FFFFFF}Register{42C2F5}]","Logged in Successfully.You have to see the tutorial\n (Refusing will get you kicked.)", "Proceed", "Refuse");
case 1: // Register
format(tstring, sizeof(tstring), "{A02820}[Las Venturas Roleplay RP: {FFFFFF}Register{FFFFFF}]");
format(cstring, sizeof(cstring), "{FFFFFF}Hello, Welcome to Las Venturas Roleplay We have found you are not registered.\n\n[Username]: {E3DD3B}%s{FFFFFF} \n\nIt seems you are not registered, enter a password below to do-so!", NORPN(playerid));
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 1, DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD, tstring, cstring, "Register", "Quit");
case 2: // Login
format(tstring, sizeof(tstring), "{A02820}[Las Venturas Roleplay RP: {FFFFFF}Login{FFFFFF}]", RPN(playerid));
format(cstring, sizeof(cstring), "{FFFFFF}Hello, Welcome to Las Venturas Roleplay We have found you are registered.\n\n[Username]: {E3DD3B}%s{FFFFFF}\n\nPlease enter your password below to login.", NORPN(playerid));
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 2, DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD, tstring, cstring, "Login", "Quit");


Messages In This Thread
Help me fix the login - by Shinobu - 15.04.2014, 07:00
Re: Help me fix the login - by Shinobu - 16.04.2014, 03:31

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