dynamic Checkpoint now showing [help]

pawn Код:
garagein = CreateDynamicCP(-1997.5847, -2408.2903, 13.8953, 2.0, 0, 0, -1, 100.0);
Try this. Also, remember that the "100.0" indicates the range for the checkpoint to show. If you're not close enough, it won't show up.

Messages In This Thread
dynamic Checkpoint now showing [help] - by iThePunisher - 14.04.2014, 07:32
Re: dynamic Checkpoint now showing [help] - by iRaiDeN - 14.04.2014, 07:38
Re: dynamic Checkpoint now showing [help] - by iThePunisher - 14.04.2014, 07:45
Re: dynamic Checkpoint now showing [help] - by AphexCCFC - 14.04.2014, 07:47
Re: dynamic Checkpoint now showing [help] - by Dignity - 14.04.2014, 07:48

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