Weapon not saving

After looking at the code for a bit, I understood that the returns you used were the weaponslot in game.
The cases are the gunID's, if I'm right.

What I don't understand is why do you put a return -1 on the end?
I'm going to test that code.

Thanks in advance.

I get this error:

pawn Код:
(236) : error 017: undefined symbol "weapons"
(255) : error 017: undefined symbol "weapons"
This are the two lines:
pawn Код:
(236) PlayerInfo[playerid][GetWeaponSlot(weapons)] = weapons;
(255) INI_WriteInt(File,"Weapons", PlayerInfo[playerid][GetWeaponSlot(weapons)]);

Messages In This Thread
Weapon not saving - by AndySedeyn - 09.04.2014, 09:18
Re: Weapon not saving - by Dokins - 09.04.2014, 10:06
Re: Weapon not saving - by AndySedeyn - 09.04.2014, 10:11
Re: Weapon not saving - by Dokins - 09.04.2014, 10:36
Re: Weapon not saving - by AndySedeyn - 09.04.2014, 11:16
Re: Weapon not saving - by xVIP3Rx - 09.04.2014, 11:28
Re: Weapon not saving - by Dokins - 09.04.2014, 11:39
Re: Weapon not saving - by AndySedeyn - 09.04.2014, 12:09

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