[HELP] dialog enter/exit

Hello I was make dialog entrance in bases and also exit, so when you are close pickup you get dialog and in dialog says for enter click on enter. Know is the probblem I was be with my friend on server and for me everything works fine and exit and enter I get dialog, but for my friend he was first enter. I supose that hee get dialog, and know when he was near exit pickup he should get dialog but he says that he doens't get dialog. What cause this problem.

This is creating pickups on ongamemodeinit

pawn Код:
fbienter = CreatePickup(1239,1,914.4413,-1004.5359,37.9813);
    fbiexit = CreatePickup(1239,1,288.7802,166.9836,1007.1719,5);
and here in public onplayerpickuppickup is those two dialogs:

pawn Код:
else if(pickupid == fbienter)
            new mesage1[1148];
            new dialog[1148];
            format(mesage1,sizeof(mesage1),"{FFFFFF}FBI Enter\n\n{FFFFFF}Click {00C0FF}Enter {FFFFFF}to enter the base or {F3FF02}Quit{FFFFFF}!");
and here is for exit

pawn Код:
else if(pickupid == fbiexit)
            new mesage1[1148];
            new dialog[1148];
            format(mesage1,sizeof(mesage1),"{FFFFFF}FBI Exit\n\n{FFFFFF}Click {00C0FF}Exit {FFFFFF}or {F3FF02}Quit {FFFFFF}!");

Messages In This Thread
[HELP] dialog enter/exit - by Luca12 - 09.04.2014, 11:16
Re: [HELP] dialog enter/exit - by xVIP3Rx - 09.04.2014, 11:38
Re: [HELP] dialog enter/exit - by Luca12 - 09.04.2014, 11:42
Re: [HELP] dialog enter/exit - by xVIP3Rx - 09.04.2014, 11:49
Re: [HELP] dialog enter/exit - by Luca12 - 09.04.2014, 11:52
Re: [HELP] dialog enter/exit - by xVIP3Rx - 09.04.2014, 11:59
Re: [HELP] dialog enter/exit - by Luca12 - 09.04.2014, 14:09

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