08.04.2014, 09:31
Maybe I got it wrong & maybe I got it right, well I'll say what I have.
First of all, GTA have an weapon skills system, maybe if you was playing GTA offline you can know it as well as SAMP giving you the feature to set/change the skills of any player, skills includes that Colt45 can be holded in both hands, Tec9 as well as Uzi search in the wiki for SetPlayerSkills, also Bible explained it well. That's the first, the second, if you mean that you want the Colt45 shot and aim like the deagle weapon it's unfortunate to say that it's impossible, it's not a mistake in SAMP nor GTA, it's the weapon feature that you can't change it, these things ain't ambiguous you can search too.
First of all, GTA have an weapon skills system, maybe if you was playing GTA offline you can know it as well as SAMP giving you the feature to set/change the skills of any player, skills includes that Colt45 can be holded in both hands, Tec9 as well as Uzi search in the wiki for SetPlayerSkills, also Bible explained it well. That's the first, the second, if you mean that you want the Colt45 shot and aim like the deagle weapon it's unfortunate to say that it's impossible, it's not a mistake in SAMP nor GTA, it's the weapon feature that you can't change it, these things ain't ambiguous you can search too.