Colt 45 held with both hands

pawn Code:
CMD:setskill(playerid, params[])
    new iSkill, iLevel;
    if(ssccanf(params, "ii", iSkill, iLevel)) SendClientMessage(playerid, COL_GREY, "USAGE: /setskill [SKILL ID] [LEVEL]");
    else {
        SetPlayerSkillLevel(playerid, iSkill, iLevel);
    return 1;

CMD:weapon(playerid, params[])
    new iWepID, iAmmo;
    if(sscanf(params, "ii", iWepID, iAmmo)) SendClientMessage(playerid, COL_GREY, "USAGE: /(w)eapon [ID] [AMMO]");
    else {
        GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, iWepID, iAmmo);
    return 1;
It isn't possible to make them hold a Colt 45 with both hands, sorry.

Unless you check when they switch to that weapon ID and set their animation ect.

Messages In This Thread
Colt 45 held with both hands - by Escapist - 08.04.2014, 08:16
Re: Colt 45 held with both hands - by AndySedeyn - 08.04.2014, 08:21
Re: Colt 45 held with both hands - by Escapist - 08.04.2014, 08:25
Re: Colt 45 held with both hands - by AndySedeyn - 08.04.2014, 08:28
Re: Colt 45 held with both hands - by Ari - 08.04.2014, 09:08
Re: Colt 45 held with both hands - by Escapist - 08.04.2014, 09:19
Re: Colt 45 held with both hands - by KhaledElkhourashi - 08.04.2014, 09:31
Re: Colt 45 held with both hands - by Escapist - 08.04.2014, 09:57

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