pawn Code:
BankCash[playerid] = dUserINT(PlayerName(playerid)).("bankcash");
^^ Is letting the script know that when BankCash[playerid] is used that it's to read from the playerfiles bankcash line. (bankcash is the amount the player has in his bank account.)
pawn Code:
new MoneyInPack =dUserINT(PlayerName(playerid)).("HasPackMoney");
Makes MoneyInPack read from the players HasPackMoney line. (HasPackMoney is the amount of money the player has in his backpack.)
pawn Code:
BankCash[playerid] +=MoneyInPack;
Gets the players Bank account to increase by the amount the player has in his bank account.
pawn Code:
Gets the amount in the players backpack to reset to $0.