06.04.2014, 16:50
I see. After the "House Created!" message, you use houseid in arrays but you don't know for sure that it has been assigned another value or it's still -1. An if statement after the loop that would check if houseid is -1 and returning an error message would help to prevent it.
About the query, the interior coordinates has been assigned in IX, IY, IZ the interior in interior and the price in price variables but you insert in the query hprice, hexteriorX, hexteriorY, hexteriorZ, hinteriorX, hinteriorY, hinteriorZ, hinteriorInt instead which are 0 by default.
About the query, the interior coordinates has been assigned in IX, IY, IZ the interior in interior and the price in price variables but you insert in the query hprice, hexteriorX, hexteriorY, hexteriorZ, hinteriorX, hinteriorY, hinteriorZ, hinteriorInt instead which are 0 by default.