Vip with limited time

An easy way to do it is when you make someone VIP, you calculate the date that is going to get remove it, save it in his data and every time he login you check if it's the expiration date to remove his VIP status.

Messages In This Thread
Vip with limited time - by ChristianIvann09 - 06.04.2014, 06:05
Re: Vip with limited time - by ]Rafaellos[ - 06.04.2014, 06:08
Re: Vip with limited time - by ChristianIvann09 - 06.04.2014, 06:29
Re: Vip with limited time - by xXShadowXx - 06.04.2014, 06:51
Re: Vip with limited time - by ChristianIvann09 - 06.04.2014, 07:41

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