04.04.2014, 03:59
Taken from the download-page:
If you just want to play multiplayer, get this! Please note: SA-MP requires GTA:SA (DVD game for PC) v1.00 US/EU. Version 2.0 of the DVD version can be downgraded to 1.0 using a third-party patch. The Steam and Direct2Drive versions of GTA:SA are not currently supported and cannot be downgraded. Download the SA-MP client installer from 1 mirror and install the program in to your GTA San Andreas folder. SA-MP 0.3z Client Mirror by Everystuff server SA-MP 0.3z Client Mirror by gta-sa-mp.de forums SA-MP 0.3z Client Mirror by SA-MP Team SA-MP 0.3z Client Mirror by littlewhiteys.co.uk |