MySQL Threaded Query Help

How would i set iRows (in stock MySQL_NameExists) to the value that is being returned in NameExistsCheck?

stock MySQL_NameExists(const account[])
		iRows = 0;

	mysql_tquery(MySQL, "SELECT * FROM `accounts` WHERE `Name` = 'Bryan'", "NameExistsCheck()", "", "");

	//Set iRows to rows in NameExistsCheck()

	printf("Rows for name exists: '%d'", iRows);

	return iRows;

forward NameExistsCheck();
public NameExistsCheck()
	new rows = cache_get_row_count();
	printf("Rows for name exists2: '%d'", rows);
	if(rows >= 1) {
		rows = 1;
	else {
		rows = 0;

	return rows;

Messages In This Thread
MySQL Threaded Query Help - by unSatisfied - 03.04.2014, 21:58
Re: MySQL Threaded Query Help - by Vince - 03.04.2014, 22:12
Re: MySQL Threaded Query Help - by unSatisfied - 03.04.2014, 22:15

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