Players Crashing, any tactics to find out?

Originally Posted by JoeBullet
That what luka said has dont do ANYTHING with crashing.. it is about objects... use ****** object streamer and you crashes will gone(but still always there will be crashes in samp )
Aj nemoj pametovat,to se meni deљavalo,zvuči zbilja čudno,ali funkcionira.I ja sam mislio da to neće radit,al mi je netko rekao i radilo je ozbiljno na PEN1 a ovo je GF a to je zbilja vrlo slično.Nema veze s objektima ako mu crasha dok umire u autu.Jedino da ima problema sa spawnom,tj da nema određenu spawn poziciju nego onplayerrequestspawn pa da onda pokusava setplayerpos,onda moze doc do crasha.Ili moћda taj minigun anticheat se na krivi način provjerava,ali znam,imao sam taj problem,makno sam to i sve je radilo...

Objects doesn`t have any connection with crash if players crashes when they died in car.Maybe you doesn`t have a class (spawn position) defined in AddPlayerClass,ex. you maybe call spawn on OnPlayerRequestSpawn and then use SetPlayerPos,there might be a problem (if u have that). Sorry for above text,i was talking with JoeBullet in Croatian language,i know him,so we are trying to help you,we better understand our language.

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