31.03.2014, 07:46
It is possible but few changes have to be made
You have to add this line When ur player registers and his all info is wriiten
and when all data of Player is loaded like his pass cash score ....etc load skin also with it
Lets say that you have loaded skin id in variable pInfo[playerid][Skin]
then add this line on ur OnPlayerSpawn
You have to add this line When ur player registers and his all info is wriiten
pawn Код:
INI_WriteInt(ACCOUNT, "Skin", skinid);//here instead of skinid write the default id which a player gets when he hasnt saved his skin
Lets say that you have loaded skin id in variable pInfo[playerid][Skin]
then add this line on ur OnPlayerSpawn
pawn Код:
SetPlayerSkin(playerid, pInfo[playerid][Skin]);