30.03.2014, 03:43
pawn Code:
#define MAX_FISHING_AREA 3 // change this if you are going to have more fishing area
new Float:fishingspots[MAX_FISHING_AREA][3] = // 3 means there are 3 floating points (for the coordinates: x,y,z)
// x = 0 | y = 1 | z = 2
{-1874.6598, -1670.0956, 0.9824}, // fishing area 1 (0)
{-1885.7527, -1671.0122, 1.0201}, // fishing area 2 (1)
{x, y, z} // fishing area 3 (2), change the x, y, z to your coordinates (floating points), notice there is no comma for last area
// loop the array number from 0 to 2 (the number in brackets of each fishing area)
for(new i = 0; i < MAX_FISHING_AREA; i++)
Create3DTextLabel("Fishing area.\n/fish ", 0x008080FF,fishingspots[i][0], fishingspots[i][1], fishingspots[i][2], 20.0, 0, 0);