I need people to translate my server.

Originally Posted by Elorreli
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All languages doesn't format words and sentences in the same order and way..
Facepalm ofc I know but I Didn't have any problem with that. And i have English, Finnish, Nederlands, Croatian, Portuguese, Spanish, German, Romanian, Serbian languages in my server.
Originally Posted by NewerthRoleplay
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I can't tell if you realize it was a joke or not?
Wtf why is people dropping useless messages.

"% s" = This is suppoded to be a format. Go here to read? https://sampwiki.blast.hk/wiki/Format
{ 80AC5F usu / gg ad . Wtf why is there dashes in hex code and there is no another "}".

Originally Posted by kaZax
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Use {472323}/login {FDFDFD}[password] {E08AEC}to login{C60C0C}! = Для входа в свой аккаунт используйте /login [пароль] !
Account {590EC4}was {FF0000}not found{A72A6F}. = Аккаунт не найден!
{2368BC}You can register by using {2F9459}/register {FDFDFD}[password]{C60C0C}! = Для регистраций введите /register [пароль]
Use {DE1E28}/help{FF00AA} to you can find out some commands and use {3B829C}/rules{FF00AA} to check our rules. = Правила сервера /rules. Помощь новичкам, команды /help.
You have succesfully logged in! = Вы успешно вошли в свой аккаунт!
Account {31E708}found{C60C0C}! = Аккаунт найден!
You are special player here. {35E525}Your admin level is {4857E2}%d{EDF006}, so here is {D81E1E}/acommands{000000}. = Ваш админ уровень %d. Админ команды: /acommands
You have returned to {345BBF}your last position. = Вы вернулись в последнее местоположение.
Your status has restored. = Вы обновили свой статус.
Your language was set to %s. = Вы изменили язык на %s
{CE1E1E}Unknown command{2D2D8D}! {EFE6E6}Use {14829D}/help or /cmds{2D2D8D}! = Неизвестная команда! Используйте /help или /cmds.
Monday = Понедельник
Tuesday = Вторник
Wednesday = Среда
Thursday = Четверг
Friday = Пятница
Saturday = Суббота
Sunday = Воскресенье
To report rulebreaker you must use /report [id] [reason]. = Для того чтобы сообщить нарушителя администратору используйте /report [ид] [причина].
You can buy some clothes to your skin from binco. = Вы можете купить много других скинов в магазине Binco.
CHAT CLEARED{FF0202}! = Чат очищен.
Use /languages to change your current language. = Для смены языка используйте /languages
Your gang status was loaded {62CC29}succefully: %s %s (id: %d). = Ваш статус банды загружена: %s %s (id: %d).
This is nice but you didn't use hex codes. in your translations.

Please add me in skype if you are Russian or Spanish translator.

Messages In This Thread
I need people to translate my server. - by liinor - 25.03.2014, 14:01
Re: I need people to translate my server. - by linuxthefish - 25.03.2014, 14:11
Re: I need people to translate my server. - by liinor - 25.03.2014, 14:28
Re : Re: I need people to translate my server. - by Elorreli - 25.03.2014, 14:33
Re: I need people to translate my server. - by NewerthRoleplay - 25.03.2014, 15:16
Re: Re : Re: I need people to translate my server. - by liinor - 25.03.2014, 17:14
Re: Re : Re: I need people to translate my server. - by GWMPT - 25.03.2014, 17:42
Re: I need people to translate my server. - by Vule. - 25.03.2014, 18:20
Re: Re : Re: I need people to translate my server. - by Danny - 25.03.2014, 19:12
Re: Re : Re: I need people to translate my server. - by liinor - 25.03.2014, 20:23

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