Vehicle damage check not working

I have this vehicle damage check and is a player not in a vehicle check and it only seems to work for one playerid at a time. As in, other players' cars blow up and they don't get a client message. It was originally under a foreach loop and wasn't working either.

pawn Код:
public DerbySys(playerid) //
    if (IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 500, -1364,1004.5,1220)) //map coords...
        if (!IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid))
            return 1;
        if (IsPlayerInVehicle(playerid,RandDerbyCar[playerid]))
            new Float:Vhealth;
            if (Vhealth <= 250)
                SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFFFFFFFF,"Vehicle was destroyed. New vehicle created.");
                return 1;
    return 1;

Messages In This Thread
Vehicle damage check not working - by Aerotactics - 24.03.2014, 01:05
Re: Vehicle damage check not working - by ]Rafaellos[ - 24.03.2014, 06:52
Re: Vehicle damage check not working - by Aerotactics - 24.03.2014, 07:30
Re: Vehicle damage check not working - by Hanuman - 24.03.2014, 10:08
Re: Vehicle damage check not working - by Aerotactics - 24.03.2014, 19:33
Re: Vehicle damage check not working - by Konstantinos - 24.03.2014, 19:36
Re: Vehicle damage check not working - by Aerotactics - 24.03.2014, 19:54
Re: Vehicle damage check not working - by Zeppo - 24.03.2014, 19:56
Re: Vehicle damage check not working - by Konstantinos - 24.03.2014, 20:04
Re: Vehicle damage check not working - by Aerotactics - 24.03.2014, 20:35

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