16.03.2014, 23:46
Hi ,how to see my Players password in users Key?
KEY=DB1004BC052C0EC674D6FB22A456DAA88CE46E04127F81 275317285F5A34B6E17BC4B6D96B0742CB3AC13D1712F0C041 3751C7CC2D87951F1D709608A9F49C59 This is the Key of my Player Sorry for my Wrong Grammar -_- |
Remove the hashing function on your resgister/login system so that it does not encrypt the passwords, not recommendable and not good but still up to you. good luck hope it helps.
PS - Hashing function is the password encrypt code in your script. have a look unde your OnPlayerConenct for the login / register system and search.
Good luck.