16.03.2014, 16:28
1. Took me only 15 minutes to figure out what you did ...whay?... in your code var. "kickedby" - is the person you trying to kick... when i read "kickedby" i think is the admin not the player...
2. I hope that when you test the function alone "responsiblePlayer & kickedPlayer" they will have the same id (responsiblePlayer == kickedPlayer)
2. I hope that when you test the function alone "responsiblePlayer & kickedPlayer" they will have the same id (responsiblePlayer == kickedPlayer)
/* * KickPlayer * responsiblePlayer The player that is responsible for the event * kickedPlayer The player that will be kicked from the server * reason The reason for the kick */ stock KickPlayer(responsiblePlayer, kickedPlayer, reason[]) { new string[256]; format(string, sizeof(string), "You've been kicked by %s. Reason: %s\n", GetName(responsiblePlayer), reason); SendClientMessage(kickedPlayer, COLOR_RED, string); return Kick(kickedPlayer); }