2 strings in 1

I got too long line when i tried to make this little system so i tried to do it with more lines and strings with strcat but it's not working
new string[128], text[128], text1[128],text2[128], name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
GetPlayerName(clickedplayerid, name, sizeof(name));
format(text1, sizeof(text1), ""COL_BLUE"DM score: "COL_WHITE"%d\n"COL_BLUE"Deaths: "COL_WHITE"%d\n"COL_BLUE"Race Score: "COL_WHITE"%d\n"COL_BLUE"Reaction test won:"COL_WHITE" %d", PlayerInfo[clickedplayerid][pKills], PlayerInfo[clickedplayerid][pDeaths], PlayerInfo[clickedplayerid][pRscore], PlayerInfo[clickedplayerid][pReaction]);
format(text2, sizeof(text2), ""COL_BLUE"Online:"COL_WHITE" %d Days %d Hours %d Minutes",PlayerInfo[clickedplayerid][pDay], PlayerInfo[clickedplayerid][pHour], PlayerInfo[clickedplayerid][pMin]);
strcat(text, text1);
strcat(text, text2);
format(string, sizeof(string), ""COL_BLUE"STATS | "COL_WHITE"%s"COL_BLUE" |", name);
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 1692, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, string, text, "OK", "");

Messages In This Thread
2 strings in 1 - by CroM256 - 13.03.2014, 17:29
Re: 2 strings in 1 - by Ruben_Alonso - 13.03.2014, 17:30
Re: 2 strings in 1 - by CroM256 - 13.03.2014, 17:39
Re: 2 strings in 1 - by Ruben_Alonso - 13.03.2014, 17:54
Re: 2 strings in 1 - by CroM256 - 13.03.2014, 18:05
Re: 2 strings in 1 - by Ruben_Alonso - 13.03.2014, 18:13

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