13.03.2014, 14:07
pawn Код:
new RandMsg[][] =
"Welcome to "Server Name"! Before you start your journey here, use /help and /tlaws to start you off.",
"You can acquire licenses at our City Hall.",
"Found a bug? Pleases immediately file a bug report at "Website"",
"Stay updated on the latest news by checking the forum: "Website"",
"Remember, this is not a DM server. Everything must be role-played appropiately.",
"Please follow the server rules at all times. They can be found on the forum. ("Website)",
"Found a player cheating/exploiting? File a complaint at once with (/report) to inform an adminstrator.",
"If you are caught by the LAPD commiting a crime, you must role-play fairly & properly.",
"Staff recruitment is underway. Please do not PM an administrator to join the staff team, instead check the forum.",
"Hacks are NOT tolerated! Cheating will result in severe punishment.",
"Create an application to join the staff team through our forum "Website",
"Want to earn amazing privelages such as a V.I.P status? Donate Today, Enjoy Tomorrow.",
"This is an Advanced-RP server. Use /requesthelp for more info.",
"Donations are now ready! Please help the server survive by donating today! (Forum Tab).",
pawn Код:
forward ShowHelp();
public ShowHelp()
new i = random(sizeof(RandMsg));
new string[128];
format(string, sizeof(string), "Server BOT: %s", RandMsg[i]);
SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, string);
pawn Код:
SetTimer("ShowHelp", 60 * 3 * 1000, 1);