12.03.2014, 19:32
Ok it is updating the table but it keeps updating it to x(0) y(-1933.67)z(13.3859)
No matter were I am...
Just checked the server log and it says this when I log in
No matter were I am...
Just checked the server log and it says this when I log in
[21:40:02] Number of vehicle models: 0 [21:40:22] Incoming connection: [21:40:22] [join] Jason_Smith has joined the server (0: [21:40:26] sscanf warning: String buffer overflow. [21:40:26] [debug] Run time error 6: "Invalid instruction" [21:40:26] [debug] Unknown opcode 0x1000000 at address 0x0000004D [21:40:26] [debug] AMX backtrace: [21:40:26] [debug] #0 0000004d in public OnDialogResponse () from RP_Mysql.amx [21:40:38] Player Saved [21:40:38] [part] Jason_Smith has left the server (0:1) |