Command says Im not near a vehicle.

Hi, You have an error on your IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint line, you're checking to see if playerID "a"(a is the var that is used in the vehicle loop so the server will be trying to find out if playerid 345 is near the vehicle but instead you want the playerid that used that command).

Change if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(a, 5.0, X+5, Y, Z))

to if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 5.0, X, Y, Z))

It should work now that the server is checking if that player id is close to that vehicle.

Hopefully that does the trick - Hayden.

Messages In This Thread
Command says Im not near a vehicle. - by Blademaster680 - 11.03.2014, 10:41
Re: Command says Im not near a vehicle. - by Haydz - 11.03.2014, 10:55
Re: Command says Im not near a vehicle. - by Blademaster680 - 11.03.2014, 11:54
Re: Command says Im not near a vehicle. - by Haydz - 11.03.2014, 13:07

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