Originally Posted by Lordz™
I suggest you to check once more in regarding fists getting called on OnPlayerWeaponShot. A small snippet for debugging?
pawn Code:
public OnPlayerWeaponShot(playerid, weaponid, hittype, hitid, Float:fX, Float:fY, Float:fZ) { if(weaponid == 0) printf("WEAPON ID 0 HAS BEEN CALLED!"); return 1; }
Because melee weapons aren't being called under it as it's "WeaponShot" callback. If 0 gets called, I'm really amazed! About PVars - it's generally slow. And here, PVars aren't required. PVars are only needed if you're using it on other scripts too, like global player-variables.
This is a small suggestion, I haven't tried it tho. From the video, it seems like there's no animation while shots are going on. So, how about checking the animations? That might get worked.
The animations are there on the players perspective so that would not work. If the client doesn't have the hack installed then no your code wont get called but I have a code in my script that warns the admins when a level has a gun. When I set myself as level one in game and use the hack with no gun in my hand it spams the fuck out of my screen thats how i found out its called with the hack installed. Regardless of what gun is in your hand its creating bullets from your player wich means it definately is being called.
I will look into the hooking, and make a more accurate one when I wake up thanks for the tips with pvars.