error 033: array must be indexed + Rep

Please help me I have this problem.
error 033: array must be indexed (variable "VehiclePos")
I am trying to make it so when the player buys the vehicle it will spawn it in one the of locations I have set.
Here is my code:
new Float:Dealership1Pos[2][3] =
	    { 1671.8918,-1072.8073,25.7088 },
	    { 1667.2391,-1124.2771,26.3949 }
Under OnDIalogResponse
GivePlayerMoney(playerid, -VehicleValue[id]);
			PlayerInfo[playerid][pCash] -= VehicleValue[id];
			format(str, sizeof(str), "MoneyTrace: %s bought a cellphone for $%i", GetName(playerid), VehicleValue[id]);
   			Log("/logs/moneytrace.txt", str);
			new dealerid = strval(VehicleOwner[id]);
            new rand = random(sizeof(Dealership1Pos));
			VehicleCreated[freeid] = VEHICLE_PLAYER;
			VehicleModel[freeid] = VehicleModel[id];
			//VehiclePos[freeid] = DealershipPos[dealerid];
			VehiclePos[freeid] = Dealership1Pos[rand][0], Dealership1Pos[rand][1], Dealership1Pos[rand][2];
			VehicleColor[freeid] = VehicleColor[id];
			VehicleInterior[freeid] = VehicleInterior[id];
			VehicleWorld[freeid] = VehicleWorld[id];
			VehicleValue[freeid] = VehicleValue[id];
			GetPlayerName(playerid, VehicleOwner[freeid], sizeof(VehicleOwner[]));
			VehicleOwner[freeid] = GetPlayerNameEx(playerid);
			VehicleNumberPlate[freeid] = DEFAULT_NUMBER_PLATE;

Messages In This Thread
error 033: array must be indexed + Rep - by Blademaster680 - 09.03.2014, 08:47
Re: error 033: array must be indexed + Rep - by Aerotactics - 09.03.2014, 08:51
Re: error 033: array must be indexed + Rep - by Blademaster680 - 09.03.2014, 09:27
Re: error 033: array must be indexed + Rep - by Aerotactics - 09.03.2014, 09:39

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