[House] Get New House ID


I'm trying to get the ID of a new house and I did this:

stock GetNewHouseID()
	new query[128];
	mysql_format(mysql, query, sizeof(query), "SELECT * FROM `maisons`");
	mysql_tquery(mysql, query, "OnGetHouseID", "");
	return 1;

public OnGetHouseID()
	new rows, fields; 
    cache_get_data(rows, fields, mysql);
		new id = cache_get_row_count();
		return id; // Here it gives me the good ID.

In my createhouse CMD, the World of the house = the new ID.

So I got something like this:

mInfo[m][mWorld] = GetNewHouseID();

But it always give me 1 as ID.

I think that is cause I did "return 1".
But how could I return the value from my public ?
I mean "return id;" but from my public.

Thank you !

Messages In This Thread
[House] Get New House ID - by anou1 - 08.03.2014, 20:53
Re: [House] Get New House ID - by PowerPC603 - 08.03.2014, 21:05
Re: [House] Get New House ID - by Mriss - 08.03.2014, 21:06
Re: [House] Get New House ID - by anou1 - 08.03.2014, 21:25
Re : [House] Get New House ID - by anou1 - 09.03.2014, 12:45
Respuesta: [House] Get New House ID - by CuervO - 09.03.2014, 15:12
Re : [House] Get New House ID - by anou1 - 09.03.2014, 16:01

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