Dealership Vehicles.

You can do it like this if you wanna be creative:

new DLCar1;
DLCar1 = ...
DLCar[playerid] = DLCar1;

Or something like that... Basically your making a variable to place into the player's variable. What DLCar[playerid] should be is the modelID if done correctly... And such...

Messages In This Thread
Dealership Vehicles. - by VerticalGaming - 07.03.2014, 17:14
Respuesta: Dealership Vehicles. - by [CG]Milito - 07.03.2014, 17:21
Re: Dealership Vehicles. - by VerticalGaming - 07.03.2014, 21:48
Re: Dealership Vehicles. - by VerticalGaming - 07.03.2014, 23:10
Re: Dealership Vehicles. - by Abagail - 07.03.2014, 23:16

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