Textdraw flashing to a un-desired variable.

It looks like you are using a single global TextDraw, which means that all players use the same single one. When you set the data for one player, all others players will see it too. Use multiple TextDraws or PlayerTextDraws.

Messages In This Thread
Textdraw flashing to a un-desired variable. - by rangerxxll - 07.03.2014, 17:07
Re: Textdraw flashing to a un-desired variable. - by ColeMiner - 07.03.2014, 17:35
Re: Textdraw flashing to a un-desired variable. - by rangerxxll - 07.03.2014, 17:43
Re: Textdraw flashing to a un-desired variable. - by ColeMiner - 07.03.2014, 17:51
Re: Textdraw flashing to a un-desired variable. - by rangerxxll - 07.03.2014, 17:52

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