06.03.2014, 08:51
Ah, I might've misunderstood your question then. The preprocessor simply substitutes text, it's not a smart creature. So, your example turned into
and print accepts only single argument (in contrary to printf). Check this out:
Also, old playground ( http://slice-vps.nl/ppg/ ) has "Show preprocessed output" - it's really awesome macro resolver. Try it!
pawn Код:
print("Hello there! First parameter is hello, the rest is wow", "cow", "bar")
pawn Код:
#include <a_samp>
#define fancy%9\32;voideater(%0,%1) printf("Hello there, the result is: "#%0,%1)
main() {
fancy voideater("hello %s, %s, and %s", "wow", "cow", "bar");