Windows to Linux

HEllo there, I've bought an host, it's running on lunix so i had to transfer the gamemodes/filterscripts/includes & plugins.
I added .so in the .cfg file.. But the gamemode still wont load, tho', and It's actually working perfect in the Windows server..
Somebody could help me?

Messages In This Thread
Windows to Linux - by VerticalGaming - 05.03.2014, 16:07
Re: Windows to Linux - by Guest4390857394857 - 05.03.2014, 16:28
Re: Windows to Linux - by VerticalGaming - 05.03.2014, 16:37
Re: Windows to Linux - by ColorHost-Kevin - 05.03.2014, 16:59
Re: Windows to Linux - by VerticalGaming - 05.03.2014, 17:31
Re: Windows to Linux - by Isolated - 05.03.2014, 17:50
Re: Windows to Linux - by VerticalGaming - 05.03.2014, 18:28
Re: Windows to Linux - by Isolated - 05.03.2014, 18:29
Re: Windows to Linux - by VerticalGaming - 05.03.2014, 18:32
Re: Windows to Linux - by VerticalGaming - 05.03.2014, 18:34

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