Best MySQL solution?

I'd suggest directly using the R7 version, after learning the basic MySQL required for SA-MP servers and after reading this tutorial.

The latest version of MySQL have ORM and some stuff, that IMHO is a load of tosh - it simply isn't required. Threaded queries (R7+) are efficient, they work, they are easy to use and they give you what you want. Simple enough already.

Happy learning!

Messages In This Thread
Best MySQL solution? - by CH | FuDo - 01.03.2014, 14:51
Re: Best MySQL solution? - by PowerPC603 - 01.03.2014, 15:45
Re: Best MySQL solution? - by RajatPawar - 01.03.2014, 16:03
Re: Best MySQL solution? - by M3HR4N - 01.03.2014, 17:25
Re: Best MySQL solution? - by CH | FuDo - 01.03.2014, 17:39

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