/B Command

pawn Код:
format(name, sizeof(string), "(( %s says: %s ))", params, string);
pawn Код:
this should be like

format(string,sizeof(string), "(( %s says: %s ))", name,params)
Here the first %s defines the name of the user and the second %s defines the message.
EDIT : Instead of if(sscanf..... )) use if(!strlen(params))
Saying it only for this command..]

Messages In This Thread
/B Command - by Vasu99 - 01.03.2014, 00:44
Respuesta: /B Command - by CuervO - 01.03.2014, 00:48
Re: /B Command - by rakshith122 - 01.03.2014, 00:51
Re: /B Command - by Vasu99 - 01.03.2014, 00:54
Re: /B Command - by rakshith122 - 01.03.2014, 00:58
Re: /B Command - by Mattakil - 01.03.2014, 04:49

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