28.02.2014, 11:23
Hello All! I am attaching this object to player
And using this code to remove it.
The problem is this that it removes every attached object but i need to remove only the CJ_MONEY_BAG, How can i do this?
pawn Код:
SetPlayerAttachedObject( playerid, 0, 1550, 1, 0.021874, -0.291005, -0.065996, 2.304857, 116.303932, 147.327270, 0.995781, 0.997286, 1.000000 ); // CJ_MONEY_BAG
pawn Код:
for(new t=0; t<MAX_PLAYER_ATTACHED_OBJECTS; t++)
if(IsPlayerAttachedObjectSlotUsed(playerid, t)) RemovePlayerAttachedObject(playerid, t);