OnPlayerEditDynamicObject - Does not update object position quick enough

Originally Posted by Crayder
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Actually I dont think the player and object will be moving the SAME EXACT distance... Think about it, the object is able to be turned (causing a slide), quickly lifted (causing a jump), etc... I do understand your reasoning for this though, but maybe if the absolute value of both measurements (floatabs) and the difference (floatsub) were only off by say 1.0 meters, that will cancel the movement... Dont try an exact value...
EDIT: I have cracked it! Thanks to you my brain cogs turned! It now detects it no matter how fast I move and it is 100% working I've just stress tested it to the max! So chuffed! I just simply said if seconddist >= first-1.0 && seconddist <= first+1.0 and works an absolute treat!

Messages In This Thread
OnPlayerEditDynamicObject - Does not update object position quick enough - by Phil_Cutcliffe - 26.02.2014, 22:09
Re: OnPlayerEditDynamicObject - Does not update object position quick enough - by Crayder - 27.02.2014, 06:09
Re: OnPlayerEditDynamicObject - Does not update object position quick enough - by Phil_Cutcliffe - 27.02.2014, 13:33
Re: OnPlayerEditDynamicObject - Does not update object position quick enough - by Crayder - 27.02.2014, 19:19

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