Pickup problem

sorry it's not helpful for me because I can't understand what can I do?
of course I used that function in ongamemodeinit :
        RP = CreatePickup(1239,2,-148.4453,1110.0249,19.7500, -1);
	AP = CreatePickup(1239,2,-797.5327,1556.2026,27.1244, -1);
	EP = CreatePickup(1239,2,1146.6642,1976.5652,10.8203, -1);
	A2P = CreatePickup(1239,2,385.2281,2474.4160,16.5000, -1);
	MP = CreatePickup(1239,2,-252.4021,2603.1230,62.8582, -1);
and made it on onplayerpickuppickup:
if(pickupid == RP && GetPlayerTeam(playerid) != TEAM_Egypt) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000AA, "Only Egypt team can use this Pickup.");
    if(pickupid == RP) ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 2, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Pickup", "Health - 5000$\nArmour - 6000$\n\nWeapons\nDeathmatch stadium", "Buy", "Cancel");
    if(pickupid == EP && GetPlayerTeam(playerid) != TEAM_Russia) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000AA, "Only Russia team can use this Pickup.");
    if(pickupid == EP) ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 2, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Pickup", "Health - 5000$\nArmour - 6000$\n\nWeapons\nDeathmatch stadium", "Buy", "Cancel");
    if(pickupid == AP && GetPlayerTeam(playerid) != TEAM_Australia) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000AA, "Only Australian team can use this Pickup.");
    if(pickupid == AP) ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 2, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Pickup", "Health - 5000$\nArmour - 6000$\n\nWeapons\nDeathmatch stadium", "Buy", "Cancel");
    if(pickupid == A2P && GetPlayerTeam(playerid) != TEAM_UK) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000AA, "Only UKn team can use this Pickup.");
    if(pickupid == A2P) ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 2, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Pickup", "Health - 5000$\nArmour - 6000$\n\nWeapons\nDeathmatch stadium", "Buy", "Cancel");
    if(pickupid == MP && GetPlayerTeam(playerid) != TEAM_USA) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000AA, "Only USA team can use this Pickup.");
    if(pickupid == MP) ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 2, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Pickup", "Health - 5000$\nArmour - 6000$\n\nWeapons\nDeathmatch stadium", "Buy", "Cancel");

Messages In This Thread
Pickup problem - by AhmedMohamed - 27.02.2014, 05:36
Re: Pickup problem - by MattTucker - 27.02.2014, 05:42
Re: Pickup problem - by AhmedMohamed - 27.02.2014, 06:28
Re: Pickup problem - by Crayder - 27.02.2014, 06:32
Re: Pickup problem - by AhmedMohamed - 27.02.2014, 06:36
Re: Pickup problem - by Crayder - 27.02.2014, 06:38
Re: Pickup problem - by AhmedMohamed - 27.02.2014, 06:57
Re: Pickup problem - by Lidor124 - 27.02.2014, 07:01
Re: Pickup problem - by Crayder - 27.02.2014, 07:02
Re: Pickup problem - by Crayder - 27.02.2014, 07:06

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